Friday, July 5, 2019

Cream Maxiderm Review - Reveals All You Need To Know About Maxiderm

The Maxiderm cream is one of a number of penis enlargement products that are available for men to use safely in order to increase their penis size. This review will discuss everything you need to know about this product including the ingredients.

There are a number of enhancement products on the market. Some include stretching devices, while other more common types are pills. However, this product is different in that it is actually a cream that is applied directly to the genital area.

The effectiveness of this product is based in large part on the ingredients that are contained within it.

The Maxiderm lotion has been developed scientifically with a powerful herbal formulation that includes a large number of natural, herbal extracts which not only increase the size of the vessels of the genital area but also the amount of blood that actually flows to the genitals.

How this lotion works is that there is an increase in nitric oxide in the body which aids in oxygenation of the blood throughout the body.

There are also numerous ingredients found in this product that allow it to work as a vasolidator. Some of these ingredients include ginseng, ginkgo biloba and also fructus serenoae. All these ingredients increase the circulation throughout the body while at the same time strengthening the capillary walls which, in turn, allows the blood vessels to become much stronger.

There are numerous ingredients in this cream. I will detail how they assist with natural penis enlargement below.

Epidedium Sagittatum is a leaf extract which is referred to more often than not as Horny Goat Weed. This ingredient is frequently used in products that are to assist in improving sex drive. It is also known to assist with achieving and maintaining erections. This ingredient works effectively to increase blood flow to the genital area as a result of increasing levels of nitric oxide.

Semen Cuscutae is a seed extract which has been proven to increase not only a man's sperm count but also the potency of the sperm and their motility rate. Some results have seen a 70 percent increase. Not only does this product assist with the production of sperm but it also assists with preventing premature ejaculation. It is also a highly regarded aphrodisiac in many countries as well as an aid with improving fertility.

Ginkgo Biloba is another ingredient which is highly regarded for his ability to increase a person's vitality levels and blood vessel health. If you are able to increase the amount of blood flowing to the genitals then you are able to achieve stronger, more long-lasting erections.

Erythroxylum is a bark extract which has many anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It is a great all natural stimulant of the nervous system as well as an aid with stopping impotence conditions.

Fructus crataegi is very rich in bioflavonoids which also works to dilate the arteries just as erythroxylm does. It is also believed to be able to lower blood pressure as it increases the amount of oxygen that travels to the heart. This ingredient also works to improve blood flow throughout the body and to strengthen the capillary walls. It also has been shown to have numerous cardiac benefits.

Ian Hastings runs an exciting new website about Maxiderm Cream [] and other natural penis enlargement methods. For more information about Maxiderm and unbiased reviews go to [] right now!

Penis Enlargement Exercises - The Best Lubricants for Warm Ups and Warm Downs

When it comes to penis enlargement exercises, warming up and warming down are two very important parts that should never be left out. In fact, it would be an utmost necessity to warm up and warm down before and after doing your penis enlargement exercises. Unfortunately, a lot of men ignore these parts, thinking that they are simply a waste of time. This isn't the case, though.

Warm ups and warm downs are vital to keep the blood flowing in the penis, to make the exercises more effective, and to keep the penis safe from injuries and damage. This article will focus on giving you the necessary instructions for both of these parts. It will also give you great advice on the lubricants that would be most helpful while doing your penis enlargement exercises altogether. Read on.

The Warm Ups

To warm up your manhood before doing penis enlargement exercises, start by soaking a soft towel into some water. Then, wring out any extra water and lightly test the heat of the towel on your stomach. This is important to do before placing it on your penis. After all, you have to make sure that you have a comfortable temperature to work with in order to avoid burning your penis.

If the temperature is okay, wrap the towel around your penile shaft, ensuring that the tip of your penis is enclosed, as well. This way, the heat can get properly trapped in. Then, hold the towel there for around 5 minutes before removing it. Afterwards, dry your penis off thoroughly with a dry towel to make sure that you end up with a good grip for your upcoming penis enlargement exercises.

Again: warm ups are vital to send enough blood into your penis during your exercises. The moisture and the heat will also soften your penile skin and make it more pliable overall. This will give you a better grip while exercising, as well.


Lubrication would also be vital for your exercises. Generally speaking, as long as you choose lubricants that are long-lasting or at least can be easy reapplied as needed, you should be fine. After choosing your lubricant, place some on your penis followed by some penis enlargement cream.

If you have a cream that already has emu oil in it, though, then you won't need extra lubrication at all. It wouldn't hurt to use extra lubrication either way, but emu oil is the only lubrication that you can directly mix into cream jars. However, if it feels uncomfortable to work with cream alone, then take your pick from the available oil-based and water-based lubricants in the market.

Some of the best oil-based lubricants out there include emu oil, baby oil, vitamin E oil, Vaseline, cocoa butter, tiger balm, canola oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, albolene and bag balm. Some of the best water-based lubricants out there, on the other hand, include KY jelly, KY liquid, astroglide and udder cream.

After any type of exercise, though, make sure you end it with a soft massage and a warm down with a hot towel. Massage and heat can optimize cell tissue regeneration and healing at the same time.

To warm down after penis enlargement exercises, simply place another hot towel onto your penis the way that you did during the warm up. Warm downs are just as important as warm ups, though, because applying heat onto your manhood can keep blood in your penis and stimulate any damaged parts, thus restarting them, so that they can work better as a whole. To ensure silky smooth skin, you can also massage some lotion onto your manhood after the warm down.

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Penis Enlargement - Fact or Fiction?

Given the large variations in human penis sizes, discord and dissatisfaction with one's self are unavoidable. The longest erect penis recorded during the famous Kinsey surveys was a shocking ten inches. That is nothing compared to the 12" and 14" behemoths reported in "L'Ethnologie du Sens Genitale", and in Dr. David Reuben's "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex", respectively. If that makes you want to cry, wait till you hear the good news - the shortest functioning erect penis measurement according to the Kinsey survey was 1 inch. There are, however, some reports in medical literature of penises that do not extend beyond 1 cm. when fully erect. Finally, just so you can know which side of the fence you are hanging from, a study by the Lifestyles Condom Co. indicated that the average erect length of a male sex organ is 5.877 inches.

Women have often been reassuring towards their mates in this regard. "Size doesn't matter", they would say. Few men really believe that. In an online poll that asked if respondents felt that penis size makes a difference in a man's ability to sexually satisfy a partner, 46% of the respondents answered "Very much: Penis size makes a big difference in a man's ability to sexually satisfy a partner". Only 13% responded "Not at all: Penis size makes no difference in a man's ability to sexually satisfy a partner". The poll did not mention how many of the respondents were women and how many were men, but the fact is - men and women believe that size still does matter!

In "The Beefcaking of America," (Psychology Today November/December 1994 issue) Jill Neimark reported the findings from a questionnaire completed by some 1500 male and female readers. The Neimark report suggests that a significant subset of women who are financially independent and rate themselves as physically attractive place a high value on male appearance. A small group unabashedly declared not only an rather unsurprising strong preference for better-looking men, they also indicated that they cared more about penis size, both width and length, than about the physical appearance of the man.

Niemark's survey results also suggests that men believe their appearance has a larger impact on women than the majority of women actually acknowledge. Men indicated they feel their specific physical features, from hairline to penis size, strongly influence their personal acceptability by women. "Size does matter". Judging by the number of sites returns on a search for "penis enlargement", that seems to be a pretty popular opinion. As long as there are men out there running around with 14" monsters, the rest of the mortals will continue to judge themselves and pray at the altar of everything that grants bigger penises. The results of penis enlargement are not always pretty, considering the various methods that are purportedly effective. Claims range from the scientific to the outrageous, and some of them can be downright nasty. Unlike lizards, men do not have the power to regenerate lost appendages, so it is highly advisable to do a little research before fooling around with Mother Nature's precious gifts.

The following is a list of some penis enlargement methods other than penis pills, followed by some general comments about each;

Enlargement Creams

Enlargement creams do nothing more than increase blood flow in the penis tissue. While this may definitely assist in erection firmness (Which will cause the penis to appear and feel larger), using creams cannot enlarge your penis. There is no known medical evidence too support the claim that topical preparations can do more than increase blood flow, unlike penis pills.

Penis Pumps

Penis pumps create a vacuum and force blood to the penis tissue. According to Menstuff® Sexhealth columnist Dr. Williams, pumps are mainly used by men who suffer from chronic insulin dependent diabetes or circulatory disorders. They have such poor blood circulation overall that they cannot obtain proper blood flow in their penis area. By using a pump instead of penis pills, the skin and underlying tissues are stretched, allowing them to clamp off the blood flow and consequently trap it in the penis. With the clamp firmly in place, brief sexual encounters can occur. There is little medical evidence that penis pumps cause any actual permanent increase in the size of the penis. There is, however, bad news for "pumpers" out there - after using penis pumps over a period of time, some men claimed they were unable to get erections without the aid of a pump.


This method of penis enlargement has been around for thousands of years. Weights are suspended from the penis to stretch it. With regular use, it can increase penis length - but at a price: It makes the penis thinner, and because of the stretched tissue, lessens the ability to achieve and maintain an erection. This method can also cause a decrease in blood circulation which can lead to serious problems including tissue damage.

Enlargement Surgery

Penis enlargement surgery (or phalloplasty) is the Titanic of penis enlargement methods. It is huge, expensive and can end up being the worst disaster of your life. It can lead to serious complications like infection and scar tissue formation which can cause a misshapen penis.

A well known horror story is that of Ron Nance, from Monterey, Calif., who claims that following his penis enlargement surgery he contracted a severe infection at the surgery site. He returned to his doctor, who re-sutured the incision. The complications persisted, and Nance claims he flew to Los Angeles a total of nine times for repairs before turning to other surgeons for help. Nearly two years later, with $20,000 invested in the operation and repairs, Nance states that he remains not only permanently scarred, but impotent. Other enlargement surgery patients have complained of disfigurement, shortening, loss of use of his penis, pain, swelling, excessive scarring, lumpiness, shrinkage, uneven surface with what appears to be cysts, and impotence.

Enlargement supplements / pills

Many penis pills are nothing more than vitamin pills in disguise, and numerous men have been conned into popping them expecting more than what vitamins can deliver. Penis pill salesmen Michael A. Consoli, Vincent J. Passafiume, and several others have signed a consent agreement forfeiting approximately $35 million dollars in seized cash and property to settle charges that they had marketed penis enlargement pills with false claims. Operating as C.P. Direct, Inc., they claimed that their enlargement pill product "Longitude" would permanently enlarge the penis by 1-3 inches. They are not alone.

So what penis enlargement supplements do work? The problem in discovering this lies in the fact that there are approximately 5 new "amazing" penis enlargement pills that appear on the market each month. Most of these products are nothing but Vitamins mixed with a few herbal ingredients to produce a penis pill. Users see NO gains, and this leads to unhappiness and loss of faith in all enlargement supplements.

How do I choose a supplement?

As with most things, the way to do properly choose a product is through systematic research. This will definitely take some time and effort, however if you obtain the results you desire, in the end it will definitely be worth your while. Some things to keep in mind:

Keep an Eye on the Ingredients

Stay away from any pill which contains Yohimbe. The FDA has placed this substance on its warning list - supplements containing this herb may cause side effects. A respectable supplement site will contain a list of the ingredients that their products contain. The ingredients only tell half the story, the actual blending and quality of the ingredients also counts. This is somewhat more difficult to determine, however.

Consider Your Present Health Condition

In general most penis pills are quite safe because their ingredients are non-prescriptive, consisting mostly of natural herbs. However, you should always read the ingredients and consult a doctor before purchasing or taking them. Some supplements have stated that men with diabetes or genital nerve damage should avoid taking enlargement pills.

Don't Go For Lifetime Commitments

Penis enlargement pills can be expensive. They usually cost anywhere between $40-$80 per month. If the product indicates that you need to take "booster pills", it is usually a bad sign.

Stick to Reality

If the product manufacturer claims you can have a penis so large it will make a stallion turn green with envy, you can most likely be sure they are selling you bottled scam instead of penis pills. If the promise sounds too good to be true, then you can assume it is. Sincere supplements will tell it like it is: Results may and will vary from one individual to another.

Check out the Other Benefits

These can include stronger erections, increased sexual stamina, more intense orgasms, improvement in urinary flow, increased blood circulation to genital area, higher sex drive, increased sperm production and overall improvement in sexual function.

Couple the supplements with exercises

Most penis pill programs offer a set of free exercises with their product. These should not be cast aside - they are vital key to your enlargement process. Do them religiously along with your supplement taking and you will NOT be disappointed.


The penis inferiority complex has been documented for quite some time, and has no doubt existed since men started bathing and showering in full view of each other. Most men seem to feel their penis is small and are envious of someone else's member. This concern and dissatisfaction appears to stem from the cultural belief that larger penises give greater pleasure to women, and that women prefer a man with a huge penises.

So can you pump up with penis pills? My answer is yes. Daily exercises and supplements together can increase the size of your penis. But to do so, you have to be smart, be aware, dedicated, and PLEASE be careful.

Roger Simpson is the owner of a well known consumer watchdog group dedicated to reviewing and rating the various penis enlargement products (as well as other products) on the market today. He currently resides in Canada.

Penis Enlargement [] article copyright Roger Simpson 2005 - []

Warning! Do Male Enhancement Creams Work? The Stunning Facts About Penis Enlargement Ointments!

Who else wants to know if male enhancement creams really work? If you are anything like most of the men reading this right now, the simple truth is you do, right? Did you know that the average man who purchases one penis enlargement product usually will buy a minimum of 4 different "solutions" before finally giving up? It's true....and the sad fact remains, that right now, in 2009, there are so many wasteful and ineffective enlargement products ion the market that it makes my head spin.

So what about male enhancement creams anyway? Do they work......or should I simply stay away?

In my view, penis enlargement ointments are a waste of your time, energy and income. There is not one real scientific study that validates that an ointment, or cream, applied to your penis can make it bigger. Further, it doesn't conform to the commonly accepted philosophy of how your penis grows through enlargement techniques anyway. ( by stretching the tissue within the penile chamber) The truth is, after writing 600 articles on enlargement and men's health, and maintaining a popular blog on the very same subjects, I can tell you first hand that if there was a cream that could increase penis size, and could support it's claims with verifiable, and authenticated testimonials from real people, many of my readers would be second in line to buy it. ( waiting behind me who would be first..:-)

Unfortunately, as many independent and more scientifically minded studies have coo berated, the only thing that grows from enlargement creams are the bank accounts of the people selling them. Look - if you truly want to build a more powerful penis, you need to incorporate enhancement exercise into your daily routine. It's really that simple. it's the very best way to get super size and great gains naturally, and you'll find your interest in less likely to work strategies goes down in a hurry! (no pun intended..:-)

As with everything else in the Men's health domain, knowledge is POWER, and information is EVERYTHING!

And remember, with our modern day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how - to systematically improve, build and increase our penis size and do it quickly.

The need for creams, hanging weights and other esoteric methods are not only strange and potentially dangerous - they are also finally completely obsolete and unnecessary.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your me, they won't be for long! Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how simple exercises and optimizations you can make, everyday can yield a RADICAL increase in your penis size without the worry. I did...and it was the best decision I ever made!!

Enlarge Your Penis Naturally With Herbal Enlargement Creams

It has been believed popularly that longer the size of penis and more pleasurable it will be for your woman, this belief urges men to enlarge their penis size which is possible by using natural herbal creams. These creams are made up of herbal ingredients and natural substances which make them usable without prescription as they are free of side effects. Some experts also suggest different exercises for natural penis enlargement but use of creams is preferred because it is easy to use and no specific regimen is required for desired effects.

Herbal enlargement creams contain natural substance which can break in to the skin and help the herbal ingredients of the cream to show their effects with in few seconds of cream's application. This not only affects the exact part which requires support also further reduces the chances of any sort of side effects. The herbal ingredients of these creams improve blood flow to the male genitals which clears the blood vessels and increases size of tissues to enlarge your penis naturally.

All the good quality herbal enlargement creams use old and trusted herbs which have been tested and have been found as effective in resolving the situation, in their purest organic form. The formula is tested before launching the product in the market to ensure that every user get desired benefits and no side effects at all. The effects of these creams are evident within a short duration but this can vary from person to person as each person has different anatomy and reasons causing the problem.

Some very effective herbal enlargement creams have common herbal ingredients which can naturally enlarge your penis. L-Arginine is not an herb but an amino acid which is very vital for human body and particularly for improved blood flow in the body. In the body L-Arginine is used to improve blood flow, relax the blood vessels and improve blood vessels function. Application of herbal enlargement cream containing this amino acid dilates blood vessels of penis to enlarge it naturally and give firmer erections. Horny goat weed is famous for its aphrodisiac effects and increasing nitric oxide production in the body. It also improves blood flow to the genitals, relaxes blood vessels and clears them by dilating them. Improved blood flow and dilation of blood vessels enlarges the penis naturally.

Asian ginseng is an integral ingredient of herbal enlargement creams due to its magical properties for improving blood flow to genitals, limbs and brain. The use of this herb improves mental clarity however its use in the creams and its topical application works wonderfully for naturally increasing the blood flow. Asian ginseng also contains anti-oxidants which inhibit free radical largely responsible for blocking the blood vessels and restricting blood flow.

Tribulus terrestris is another important ingredient of herbal enlargement creams, this herb is beneficial for sexual problems of males and females both. Tribulus is also used for pain in the body, headaches and joint pains etc as it has properties which can improve the blood flow to the area it has been applied. Similar effects are beneficial when used in herbal enlargement creams for improving blood flow to the male genitals to enlarge the size of penis naturally. All of these herbs blended together in one formula can give desired effects easily and quickly.

Penis Enlargement - Which Penis Enlargement Methods Are Safe And Add Inches Permanently?

Penis Enlargement Products and Methods

The idea of having a larger penis appeals to a good many men. This has been the case for thousands of years. If you look back through history you will see that the size of the penis was very important even in many ancient cultures.

That is why the penis enlargement industry to this day is one of the most highly sought after. Grossing billions of dollars a year, the industry has proven its salt many times over. Men the world over are enjoying the new found confidence and such that comes with a larger penis.

Those of you out there that are still searching do not be in a hurry. The last thing that you want to do is pick the wrong method and end up being disappointed.

Don't rush. Instead take your time and choose the correct enlargement method and product the first time.

Penis Enlargement Devices And Extenders

The penis enlargement device has really made a mark on the industry. While the device has been around for a good long time, it was not until internet marketing came into being that it really jumped forward. It is easily the highest selling penis enlargement method on the market.

Using a traction device is very easy. You put the appliance on the penis, set the side bars and then forget about it. Normally you will wear the device for a minimum of six hours a day. Most people like to wear them at work and then relax at home without them on.

The device applies constant pressure to the penis. This pressure is what causes the penis to get larger as it is being taught to grow longer to keep up with the pressure.

Results will vary with the traction device. Most people report a three inch permanent increase. This does not happen over night though. You can expect to see the final results at about six months.

Penis Enlargement Pills

The penis enlargement pills that are on the market today are formulated herbal supplements. Do not be confused with the previous marketed pills that were nothing more than sugar pills. The new breed is a very good mix of naturally occurring plants and other items that work within the body.

Increasing the size of the penis with the penis enlargement pills takes place inside the penis itself. The chambers that house the blood for an erection are the main targets. If those can be enlarged then the penis will be larger during an erection. There is little that can be done about the size of the penis when it is at rest. That is not the focus of the penis enlargement pills.

The main thing to remember is that penis enlargement pills are not effective unless they are used in conjunction with another penis enlargement method. You should be prepared to use either an exercise program or a traction device when taking the pills for penis enlargement.

Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises

Penis enlargement exercises have proven to be one of the best, safest and most effective methods for penis enlargement. That is the most common thing. They are looking for something that is just the best possible resolution to the matter and many are finding it.

The exercises are great for those people who do not want to use the supplements or the traction devices. They are safe, all natural and have been shown to increase the penis by as much as four inches.

That is a staggering number when you consider the idea that an average penis is five inches and when you add the four inches you will be well above average.

The best idea is to join an exercise program for penis enlargement. There is nothing to be gained by just going out and trying to find the right exercise or worse yet, just start pulling on your member. That will not be the best idea because you could cause severe damage if you are not careful.

Penis Enlargement Patches

Thanks to some new developments it is now easier than ever to get the penis enlargement supplements. That is the new penis enlargement patch system. Using this system has proven that you can safely and effectively enlarge your penis without a lot of hassle in the mean time.

Penis enlargement patches make use of the new transdermal patch system for supplement delivery. The patch is applied to the skin and the supplements are on the patch. This causes the supplements to leach into the blood stream through the skin. It allows you to effectively by pass the stomach and make sure that the supplements do not lose power.

Penis Enlargement Pumps

Penis pumps are a simple device that has been around for a long time. Using this kind of device has never really been popular but they are still selling them to this day.

The penis pump works to increase the amount of blood that flows to the penis. This is accomplished through the use of a vacuum pressure on the penis and the air tight tube. When the blood rushes to the penis it becomes larger and more erect.

Well that does not work for a lot of people because the results are only temporary. Keep that in mind when buying this product because you will have to continue to use the product over and over as the results will fade within an hour or so.

The penis pump is also been known to cause damage to the penis. That is why it is best to avoid the penis pump all together.

Penis Enlargement Weights

Weight hanging can be dated back thousand of years. You are simply stretching the penis by applying weights that are hung from the end. Well that is not the best idea as science has proven it to be very dangerous.

Never hang weights because there is the chance for not only damage to the penis but you will also cause the penis to be thin which is bad news for someone looking to better their sex life.

Penis Enlargement Surgery

The penis enlargement surgery has long been held as a bad idea. The fact is that the doctors can only guarantee about a one inch increase. At a cost of ten thousand dollars, the one inch increase hardly seems worth the trouble. Best to stick with the natural forms where three and four inches are possible for a fraction the cost of the penis enlargement surgery.

Penis Enlargement Hypnosis

There are many things that you could have hypnosis for. If you are looking to quit smoking then it may be a good idea. The same is true if you are having some kind of mental break down. What you should not do is seek this kind of treatment for penis enlargement.

There are several places trying to sell CD's that are supposed to enlarge your penis through positive thinking. Think positive and save your money for a proven method.

Penis Enlargement Creams and Liquids

Penis enlargement creams and liquids are another poor choice for penis enlargement. Even though they make lofty claims and so on, there is no proven variety that will enlarge your penis. Most of the companies that sell this kind of thing will actually guarantee the results but be gone long before you can make a claim.

Is Penis Enlargement Safe?

Penis enlargement is safe and very effective. Choose the right method and you can lead a happy and healthy sex life.

Which Methods Should I Choose?

Penis enlargement device is one of the best option because of its medical backings and histories. For best results, combining penis enlargement device with other methods such as penis pills, penis patches or penis exercises is recommended as it will speed up penile growth and maximize penis gain.

A Simple Method of Supercharging Your Penis Enlargement Exercises for Better Results

Men interested in penis enlargement are looking to extract every possible potential fragment of increased penis length and girth. The reason for this is that every little bit truly helps. What is one method for men to accentuate and supercharge their penis enlargement protocol for the best results?

First off, this article deals with mechanical forms of penis enlargement. This means exercising, traction devices, and weights. Pills and over-the-counter, overnight-success creams and the like are not included. The reason for this is that enlarging oneself is, again, a mechanical issue. The tissues of the penis have to go through structural changes to increase in size. This is performed via surgery or self-mechanical application (like exercises). Cheap pills and magic creams will not do this. It's like trying to get six-pack abs by rubbing cream over your abdomen before you go to bed. It just doesn't work.

Since the process of mechanical enlargement involves physical (structural) changes, we would be well advised to look at the tissues of our penises and find out their nutritional needs. A man's sexual organ will be going through a re-building process. If you don't have the proper materials to rebuild the tissues, you'll slow down and hamper your progress. Give your body what it needs to get the job done.

This re-building process simply needs the proper minerals and nutrients that will allow the penile tissues to be re-educated through these re-building efforts. So, then, what are some things we can do to ensure we are building with the proper materials?

Proteins. Proteins are what collagen is made from. This is important, as collagen is what your penile ligaments are composed of. The covering of the tunica albuginea is also made of collagen. The tunica albuginea is the covering in your penile blood channels that gives them structural form and rigidity. When men go about subjecting their penises to mechanical enlargement methods, these internal penile structures will be under a lot of physical stress and strain. Ensuring that your body has enough collagen-potential amino acids to rebuild connective tissue is very important. This is especially of concern if one is a vegetarian (some very important amino acids are ONLY available in foods derived from animals). Collagen supplements can be purchased, over-the-counter, in any health or supplement store. Get some and follow the directions on the label for including them in your diet.

Not only are we concerned about having the correct building materials for increasing a man's penile size, but we also want to ensure that these materials can find their way to the male pelvic region and sexual organs. One way of doing this is to increase blood flow to this area. This is typically done with a hot shower or bath (before and after the enlargement process). Hot tubs and saunas are great, too. Most men apply a hot and moist towel before exercising and then afterwards. This pre-treatment helps soften and loosen up the tissues, while the post-treatment helps keep a fresh supply of blood in the penis to aid in healing the tissues. The post-treatment is typically more important.

Learning simple ways to accentuate and supercharge an enlargement program is an easy way for men to get the most out of their efforts.

Enjoy your day,

Georg von Neumann

Dr. von Neumann has over twenty years experience in the medical field. His articles have been viewed over 100,000 times. He co-authored IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM, a manual on helping men get the most out of their Sexual Potential. Not just the usual recycled material found on the Internet, but special and unique material on Penis Enlargement, Increasing Male Stamina, Orgasm Enlargement, and ALL aspects of creating an IRON MAN PENIS; much of the material was researched in Russia. Learn the SEVEN CRITICAL ASPECTS OF PENIS ENLARGEMENT and become the ultimate sexual machine. He encourages all men to find the best form of penis enlargement to fulfill their enlargement dreams and goals.

Enlarge Penis Size - Exposed! The Do's and Dont's of Penis Enlargement Cream

Have you ever been watching TV late at night and an infomercial about some new penis enlargement cream comes on the screen? You are hearing testimonials from guys that have used the product and are experiencing great results. In addition, the infomercial seems pretty convincing and it leaves you wanting to test the cream for the same results. Well, not many men will say "No" to add a couple of inches to their penis. Let's face it. Many men think a larger penis is more satisfying to a woman. The underlying truth is that most people want to know if enlargement cream is really effective at enlarge penis size.

There are a number of penis enhancement creams on the market promising to increase penis size over a short period of time. Many of these cream companies promise fast results and natural ingredients in their product. In addition, most of the creams have never been approved by FDA or even tested by any medical authority. Also, some of the creams have been found to possess dangerous ingredients and chemicals. Some penis enhancement creams are filled with harmful hormones, herbs, steroids and even traces of amphetamines. Furthermore, these are reasons to be cautious about choosing enhancement products for the penis because the side effects can be dangerous for the human body.

There are not too many products that will work just by rubbing a cream or oil on the penis to increase the length. Many creams claim that the product can be rubbed on the penis and the cream will stimulate the tissue to enlarge and spread. This will lead to a stronger and longer erection. The fact of the matter is that anything that's rubbed on the penis will be carried away by the bloodstream and it will never reach the tunica albuginea. In addition, the tunica albuginea is a white covering in the penis that helps to trap the blood flow in the penis to sustain an erection. The only way for a penis enlargement cream to be solutions in helping with enlarge penis size is for the cream to be injected into the urethra.

There is some hope for penis enhancement cream and it can be used with penis enlargement exercises to increase the size in men. It would be wise to find a cream that doesn't contain harmful ingredients or a cream with natural ingredients. In addition, the cream will make the penis more pliable and smooth when use with enlargement exercises. Also, penis enlargement exercises are simply taking your hands to stimulate the tissues in the penis to increase the capacity of the blood in the penis and the increased blood flow will cause the penis to swell to a larger size. Furthermore, if you decide to use a cream then you will get the best results by combining the cream with penis enlargement exercises.

Many people make the mistake of buying or trying a product before doing the proper research. It is possible to change the length and girth of your penis with the right techniques and products.

It really is possible to get a bigger penis and achieve and maintain granite hard erections that will send your sexual confidence through the roof and keep her more than satisfied. Learn more about improving what you were born with at []

A good penis enlargement program can be truly life changing for both you and your partner. Enlarge Penis Size []

Red Hot Chili Peppers and Penis Enlargement

What do chili peppers have to do with penis enlargement? The reason may surprise you.

One thing that peppers (jalapenos, habaneros, etc.) have is an ingredient called capsaicin. Capsaicin is an irritant to most mammals and this includes human beings. This is why they taste "hot" and burn when you eat them. The burning effect comes from the chemical capsaicin.

Capsaicin has many effects in the body and one of those is vasodilation. Vasodilation is the process in which an artery dilates (or increases in diameter). This increase blood flow, as the larger the diameter of the arteries allows more blood to flow through the arteries.

One of the reasons that peppers are considered an aphrodisiac is due to these effects. By ingesting peppers high in capsaicin, it increases blood flow throughout the body. This includes the pelvic region. As the sex organs are fed by pelvic arteries, increasing the intake of capsaicin will increase the blood flow to these areas and result in an increase in sexual abilities and performance.

Why is this important to penis enlargement? It's important to penis enlargement, especially if you are utilizing exercises to enlarge yourself, as this increased blood flow will help you enlarge your penis. Most especially during jelqing or "milking" as it is called. This is a method that men utilize to "milk" extra blood into the penile cavities to increase their capacity. By ingesting peppers high in capsaicin, this increases the blood flow to the penis by opening up the arteries that feed the penis with blood. By eating peppers before your enlargement exercises, this will increase the blood flow to your penis and help you get the most out of your efforts.

But like penises, not all peppers are created the same. The amount of capsaicin in a pepper is based on what is called the Scoville Rating. Some peppers are higher in capsaicin than others and you can use this rating to determine which peppers have the highest amount of capsaicin. For example:

Bell Peppers - 0

Pimentos - 100 - 500

Jalapenos - 2,500 - 8,000

Serranos - 10,000 - 23,000

Cayenne Peppers - 30,000 - 50,000

Habaneros - 100,000 - 350,000

As one can see, a jalapeno versus a habanero is not a contest at all, as the habanero has much more capsaicin than the jalapeno.

Most people can't tolerate eating a raw jalapeno or raw habanero, but they can easily be added to soup or other dishes to add flavor and get capsaicin into you diet without burning your mouth out. Start adding them to your meals before starting your enlargement exercises. They will have positive results on your enlargement program. Most of these peppers can be purchased at your local supermarket.

To learn about Serious Penis Enlargement which isn't the same rehash of what's available on the Internet, read IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM.


Georg von Neumann

Dr. von Neumann has over twenty years experience in the medical field. He co-authored IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM, a manual on helping men get the most out of their Sexual Potential. Not just the usual recycled material found on the Internet, but special and unique material on Penis Enlargement, Increasing Male Stamina, Orgasm Enlargement, and ALL aspects of creating an IRON MAN PENIS; much of the material was researched in Russia. Learn the SEVEN CRITICAL ASPECTS OF PENIS ENLARGEMENT and become the ultimate sexual machine.

Penis Enlargement Pills - A Great Way To Enlarge Penis Size

Every man who is dissatisfied with his penis size has asked this question: Is there a natural way to enlarge penis size? Yes, there is one - using herbal penis enlargement pills, supplements or creams. Using them is a great way to enlarge penis size - easy, safe and effective, successful and permanent results.

Easy because it requires zero efforts or any other extra activity - just take your pill. No tedious exercises using some bizarre and painful techniques to enlarge your penis size.

Safe and effective because penis enlargement pills do not have any side effects and really work to help you gain the bigger penis you have always wanted.

Successful and permanent results - all penis enlargement pills claim to deliver great results plus extra benefits for you and your partner, but the truth is that many of those claiming are mostly scam, which makes finding the best herbal penis enlargement pills even harder.

Beware of deceitful sales pitches, fake before and after photos and the most important - pay attention to the ingredients of the pills or the cream. If the ingredients list is missing - do not bother at all with that product.

If everything looks OK with the product but you still need further assistance, you can always consult your personal physician prior taking any herbal supplements on your own.

So you want a bigger penis? No problem. Now when you know how to enlarge your penis naturally - with penis enlargement pills, comes the more difficult part - to find the best ones for you:

OK pills then, but there are so many on the market. Which ones will really deliver what they promise? Which are better, safer and would enlarge your penis for real?

MXMan penis enlargement pills are a very good example of a quality penis enlargement product.

Unlike most penis pills products, MXMan does not contain any dangerous ingredients. Its ingredients include, and are not limited to extracts of Pueraria tuberose, Mucuna pruriens, Asteracantha longifolia, Withania somnifera, Tribulus terrestris and Albizzia lebbeck.

Pueraria tuberosa is a powerful aphrodisiac. Mucuna pruriens increases libido and virility, as well as aids better performance in bed; also helpful for prostate health.

Asteracantha longifolia increases sexual stamina, your vitality and energy. One of its main benefits, for which it is used in MXMan, is to improve sexual performance and desire and to increase fertility.

To enlarge your penis size with MXMan pills is not a problem and despite it is not the only one quality penis enlargement product on the market, it is the only one that guarantees to make your penis bigger in 9 months or less with no pain, absolutely safe and permanently.

You will gain between 1 and 3 inches in length and an extra 20% in thickness (the length depends on how long you use MXMan - you can not expect 3 inches in 3 weeks or something, but 3 inches in 9 months - that is realistic). MXMan is not all about penis enlargement; it also helps you get harder erections, increases your sexual stamina and intensity of your orgasms. If these are not a plus, then what is?

Get the bigger penis you have always wanted safely and permanently with MXMan penis enlargement pills []

Find out the truth about MXMan [] and more details on how to enlarge you penis naturally [].

Penis Enlargement Cream - Does it Work?

You've probably heard of pills, pumps, extenders, straps, exercises, and many other methods to make the male member larger. But what about creams? Creams are becoming much more popular these days and that is because they are achieving some serious results.

Creams are also much less invasive than pumps and extenders. An extender actually strangles the penis to achieve an increase and blood flow. This method might be effective, but it can also be painful. Creams are virtually painless, and can actually be quite soothing. So what should you look for in your cream?

The main thing to look for in any penal growth product, especially a penis enlargement cream, is the ingredients. You want to find something that has natural ingredients. This is because natural ingredients will be the lease likely to cause any unwanted side of effects. So what ingredients do you want?

Ginseng is an ingredient that is used in many different creams. It helps stimulate blood for and in time, can help increase size. But while you wait for your penis to grow, ginseng will also help to increase your libido, and your stamina.

Ginkgo is another common ingredient. The ginkgo root has been used for centuries as a cure for impotency. It can also help you last longer in bed, and increase your sex drive.

To get the best results from your cream, however, you should use them in conjunction with an herbal pill. There are many companies that offer creams, pills, and other advice for penal growth. Natural Gain is one company that you might want to check out. You should make sure to shop around and try to find a company that you trust before you buy anything over the internet.

Drew Bedford is a blogger, fitness coach, and an expert on penis enlargement cream []. Click this link to read free tips and honest advice at his website: Male Enhancement Supplements [].

Natural Male Enhancement Exercises Or Penis Enlargement Cream? A Shocking Comparison!

So what is the best option for you? natural male enhancement exercises or penis enlargement cream? In this article I plan to answer that question for you.

Obviously, both of these options claim to deliver great results. In my opinion, the penis cream is more likely to promise more. Why is that? Simple, generally these products are backed by large businesses that need sales.

They have marketing campaigns that are very expensive. Therefore, they need to cover their costs. So what do they do? You guessed it, they make a hard sale and make big promises.

I am going to look at two aspects of these solutions. This should help you to see what is the best option for you.

1) Health: With penis enlargement creams, you absorb it into your system. It is a similar concept to taking a pill. The only difference is that it is not as direct. There are some health considerations with this method. You have to make sure that you know exactly what is in the penis enlargement cream. It is safer to only use creams that have natural ingredients.

With natural male enhancement exercises you do not have the same concerns. You are not taking in any substance. However you must follow the warm up exercises.

2) Prices: Penis enlargement creams can vary in price. Like most products, there are very expensive and cheaper options. However, whatever option you choose you will have to pay.

With natural male enhancement exercises there is no cost to do it. There may be a small investment in a resource that explains the exercises, and that is it. Based on these comparison points I would have to say that natural exercises are your best option.

The thing to remember is this, whatever option you take you need to stick to the plan. Even with natural male enhancement exercises you need to know which are the best and safest exercises.

Listen very closely, here is your next step,

Go to the next page & find clever and natural tricks to make your penis bigger. Simple secrets that work, guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read all of the next page before it is too late >> << Click Here Now!

Penis Enlargement Pills Or Creams - Which is Better?

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Penis Enlargement Cream - The Killer Truth and Facts!

As a lot of people believe, the size of the penis does matter in sex. For some, though, the actions and style during the intercourse is more important. With these two opposing parties regarding this issue, the majority still prefer size over style.

This preference of people about sizes has made way to the creation of different male penis enlargement techniques. Indeed, we have got widely-used pills, penis enlargement cream, and the varied natural exercises. As a result, some are lost among these variations and think deeply where they should start.

As a matter of fact, creams can both work as enlarger and enhancer as well. If you really wanted to enjoy the value of your money, then try to look for a product that can give you more benefits than just having a larger shaft.

In this manner, one should ask if penis enlargement cream of any use. The answer is yes, if you are not a good friend of having a surgery. It also makes sense to opt for this option when you are not patient enough to see slow results obtained by herbal methods. Check on the benefits that you may get for opting to creams. Most creams are said to be from natural ingredients, however, this is not always true. Below are some benefits from this solution.

Practically, the best result in using the cream is that you can grow your penis easier and can let you experience 3-4 inches growth. As a result, the better size can surely enhance lovemaking that can lead to a more frequent sexual intercourse.

Like earlier mentioned, penis enlarger creams work. Nevertheless, you should be very mindful of the possible risks brought by applying them. The lines below outline some risks involved behind using penis enlargement creams.

Risk (1): Some chemicals used for the creams are found to irritate the skin. Take a keen observation when some irritations persist. In this context, I would advise you to check on the chemical composition before your very first application.

Risk (2): While penis surgery could give long-term effect, creams can only provide a short-term result after application. When applied, one can enjoy a full erection after a period of time. Also, it could be dangerous to your partner especially during oral sex due to ingestion.

Have you decided whether you will go for penis enlargement creams or should you better opt for the safer natural penis enlargement methods? It is your decision; however, most people involved in this problem say that herbal methods are safer, but slower.

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Penis Enlargement Cream - How Does Penis Enlargement Work And Does It Give Permanent Results?

Penis enlargement creams are one of many options for men unhappy with the size of their penis. However are these lotions effective and do they give permanent results? These questions and more will be answered in this enhancement review of such lotions.

Of all the systems claiming to enhance the size of the penis, applying a specialist cream is probably the easiest method for anyone to try. But what is in the creams and do they work?

Generally speaking, penile lotions contain a substance which works on the cells of the genitals. It encourages blood flow which in turn dilates the veins and should - as the advertisers claim - enlarge it safely and effectively over time. The thought is that the more blood that is going to the area the bigger it will become because of the stretching that is going on.

Along with the size increase the manufacturers also claim that these lotions not only make it wider and longer but also improve stamina and your ability to last longer in bed!

Oils work in very much the same way and can be used as and when necessary. They contain amino acids along with certain minerals which also work on opening the blood vessels which increases the blood flow into the penis causing growth.

Penis Cream & Oil Advantages

The most obvious advantage is that no prescription is necessary. The product can be used discreetly or used in foreplay by both partners. The product claims to also stimulate the partner through skin contact. Since the cream is easily absorbed both participants will receive the benefits in their sexual encounters quickly!

Click on the link to find out about the best penis enlargement cream [] on the market today!