Friday, July 5, 2019

A Simple Method of Supercharging Your Penis Enlargement Exercises for Better Results

Men interested in penis enlargement are looking to extract every possible potential fragment of increased penis length and girth. The reason for this is that every little bit truly helps. What is one method for men to accentuate and supercharge their penis enlargement protocol for the best results?

First off, this article deals with mechanical forms of penis enlargement. This means exercising, traction devices, and weights. Pills and over-the-counter, overnight-success creams and the like are not included. The reason for this is that enlarging oneself is, again, a mechanical issue. The tissues of the penis have to go through structural changes to increase in size. This is performed via surgery or self-mechanical application (like exercises). Cheap pills and magic creams will not do this. It's like trying to get six-pack abs by rubbing cream over your abdomen before you go to bed. It just doesn't work.

Since the process of mechanical enlargement involves physical (structural) changes, we would be well advised to look at the tissues of our penises and find out their nutritional needs. A man's sexual organ will be going through a re-building process. If you don't have the proper materials to rebuild the tissues, you'll slow down and hamper your progress. Give your body what it needs to get the job done.

This re-building process simply needs the proper minerals and nutrients that will allow the penile tissues to be re-educated through these re-building efforts. So, then, what are some things we can do to ensure we are building with the proper materials?

Proteins. Proteins are what collagen is made from. This is important, as collagen is what your penile ligaments are composed of. The covering of the tunica albuginea is also made of collagen. The tunica albuginea is the covering in your penile blood channels that gives them structural form and rigidity. When men go about subjecting their penises to mechanical enlargement methods, these internal penile structures will be under a lot of physical stress and strain. Ensuring that your body has enough collagen-potential amino acids to rebuild connective tissue is very important. This is especially of concern if one is a vegetarian (some very important amino acids are ONLY available in foods derived from animals). Collagen supplements can be purchased, over-the-counter, in any health or supplement store. Get some and follow the directions on the label for including them in your diet.

Not only are we concerned about having the correct building materials for increasing a man's penile size, but we also want to ensure that these materials can find their way to the male pelvic region and sexual organs. One way of doing this is to increase blood flow to this area. This is typically done with a hot shower or bath (before and after the enlargement process). Hot tubs and saunas are great, too. Most men apply a hot and moist towel before exercising and then afterwards. This pre-treatment helps soften and loosen up the tissues, while the post-treatment helps keep a fresh supply of blood in the penis to aid in healing the tissues. The post-treatment is typically more important.

Learning simple ways to accentuate and supercharge an enlargement program is an easy way for men to get the most out of their efforts.

Enjoy your day,

Georg von Neumann

Dr. von Neumann has over twenty years experience in the medical field. His articles have been viewed over 100,000 times. He co-authored IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM, a manual on helping men get the most out of their Sexual Potential. Not just the usual recycled material found on the Internet, but special and unique material on Penis Enlargement, Increasing Male Stamina, Orgasm Enlargement, and ALL aspects of creating an IRON MAN PENIS; much of the material was researched in Russia. Learn the SEVEN CRITICAL ASPECTS OF PENIS ENLARGEMENT and become the ultimate sexual machine. He encourages all men to find the best form of penis enlargement to fulfill their enlargement dreams and goals.

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